Course run for Lifelong Learning KZN September 2014
Good day Rehana
I would like to thank you, Mary and Jo for the excellent training course that you ran on Communication at Westville on Wednesday night (3 September).
You managed the event (and people) very well considering the extent of the course content and the tight time restraints.
I would like you to thank Mary for signing the letter confirming my attendance on the course.
The EAAB (the Estate Agency Affairs Board) now requires all qualified real estate agents to participate in CPD (Continuing Professional Development)
A part of this endeavour involves mandatory training courses that are managed by the EAAB.
The balance of the CPD process requires agents to seek training in a range of specific areas.
My attendance on your course will form part of my submission under the Professional Development category.
You may want to communicate the merits of your course and organisation to The Institute of Estate Agents South Africa
Workshop on Public Speaking November 2013
Comments on a workshop on public speaking done for The Centre of the Universal Mind on 16th November 2013
What an awesome afternoon spent in the company of the ladies from SpeakOut - Mary and Janet. Thank you for giving us of your time and also for giving us the courage to stand there and deliver the best of ourselves. To all who attended, I am sure you enjoyed it as much, as I did. We look forward to another event like this in the near future.
Liz Viviers
PowerPoint Presentation June 2011
Sent: 15 Jun 2011 04:03
Dear Lesley
I hereby express my sincere gratitude for the kind gesture of making
it possible for me to attend the powerpoint presentation learning
session at the Speakout meeting. I gained a lot and mastered quite a
bit though I need practice with some aspects where I can't get
I loved the atmosphere at that meeting. I also found it a very
progressive gathering with potential for growth of its members..Pity I
feel overcommitted in my life at this time. I need to subtract rather
than add to my commitments
Thank you
PJ Kunene